Houghton Road, St Ives

Welcome to our website!

Before finalising and submitting an outline planning application to Huntingdonshire District Council for their determination, Bellway Strategic Land invited the community to comment on the plans and share their feedback. On this website you can find more detail about the proposals and read our handy FAQs.

Illustrative Masterplan for the scheme which Bellway are seeking views on.

Click to enlarge key

Before finalising and submitting an outline planning application to Huntingdonshire District Council for their determination, Bellway Strategic Land is inviting the community to comment on the plans and share their feedback. On this website you can find more detail about the proposals, read our handy FAQs and share your feedback with us.

What is an outline planning application?

An outline planning application seeks to agree the principle of development on a site. Detailed plans will be submitted for the means of access into the site and all other matters of detail, including appearance, landscaping, layout and the scale of development will need to be approved separately through the submission of a ‘reserved matters’ application. If the outline application is granted permission, no development can begin on site until Bellway has a reserved matters approved, which will agree the detail of the proposals, and will be subject to the same process of public consultation by the Council.

The outline planning application will be supported by a range of plans, including an illustrative masterplan, which will help to demonstrate how the proposals can be accommodated on the site.

In addition the outline planning application would be subject to other conditions dealing with matters including drainage and landscape management.

Benefits of the Scheme

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