Houghton Road, St Ives

Frequently Asked Questions

  • As existing, the site is an agricultural field, with Houghton Hill Farm, an allocated employment site, located to the west.  The site is not located within or near to the Green Belt or other key environmental designations.

  • Huntingdonshire District Council is required to bring forward sites for new housing to meet its housing targets.  This has been emphasised in recent months by the new government in Westminster. By building new market and affordable homes on the proposed site, more families can join the property ladder and enjoy living and working within the local area.

  • With a landscape-led design, the proposal maximises open green space and a linear park. The park will contain a children’s play area, orchard planting and bio-diverse planting to sustain new habitats and wildlife on the site. To encourage interaction with nature and a healthy lifestyle, the park will also include integrated trim trials, for children to enjoy the outdoors. This will also serve as a new and clear western edge between St Ives and the countryside.

  • No, the site is not in the Green Belt.

  • No, the site does not lie within a Conservation Area. The Wyton Conservation Area is south of the site, separated by Houghton Road. The proposed development will be designed sensitively to respect this context and the scheme at Houghton Grange, which sits within the Conservation Area.

  • The site lies within Flood Zone 1, meaning that it is an area with the lowest probability of flooding. The proposals include a drainage strategy to manage surface water. This includes sustainable urban drainage (SUDS) which works with the natural landscape to minimise the risk of flooding. This can include permeable paving, ponds, swales and planting, the detail of which will be subject to reserved matters and conditions.

  • It is anticipated that the majority of car parking will be provided on each plot alongside the dwelling. In addition, some allocated spaces will be provided as allocated on-street parking.

  • The proposed development will need to be supported by the right infrastructure, including education and healthcare. This will be discussed with the Council and other consultees through the application process, and any necessary contributions can be secured through a Section 106 legal agreement.

  • A Construction Management Plan will be conditioned as part of the planning application, which will detail the route of construction vehicles, how the council will monitor the plan and how you can contact the project team about construction-related enquiries.

Click here to download a copy of the illustrative masterplan 

If you have any additional questions, please contact the project team by emailing contact@houghtonroad.co.uk or by calling 0808 1688 296.