Houghton Road, St Ives
The Proposals
Bellway Strategic Land presents an exciting opportunity to deliver a high quality, landscape-led scheme for up to 295 new homes in a highly accessible location. In addition to new homes, the scheme will deliver a linear park with public access, substantial biodiversity net gain, new and improved pedestrian and cycle links, all within a layout that complements the character of the area and respects the immediate heritage context.
It is at any reserved matters planning application where the detailed designs would be presented.
The site is located on land north of Houghton Road, west of Garner Drive and north of Houghton Grange, which is presently under construction. The site is currently an agricultural field, with Houghton Hill Farm, an allocated employment site, located to the west. It is not subject to any environmental designations.
The proposed development will need to be supported by the right infrastructure, including education and healthcare. This will be discussed with the Council and other consultees through the application process, and any necessary contributions can be secured through a Section 106 legal agreement.
The Site
Concept Masterplan for the Scheme
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In line with local and national policies, the proposals provide a range of house types and sizes to allow for flexibility, which will appeal to first time buyers, families and those wishing to downsize. This includes providing up to 40% affordable housing, which will be integrated throughout the scheme.
The detail will be subject to a later reserved matters application, but we recognise the importance of designing high quality homes that reflect local character and heritage, including the Wyton Conservation Area to the south.
The landscape-led design utilises and enhances the existing features of the site. The majority of trees and hedgerows will be retained and supplemented by new trees and planting to deliver a significant biodiversity net gain. Across the site, green space has been maximised to create open focal points for the community, including allotments. Open space and tree planting is particularly important along key boundaries of the site, creating a clear buffer with existing housing. A new linear park will create a defined boundary between St Ives and the countryside.
The linear park will contain a children’s play area, orchard planting and biodiverse planting to sustain new habitats and wildlife on the site. To encourage interaction with nature, the park will also include integrated trim trials, creating a fun outdoor activity for children and adults alike, promoting a healthy lifestyle.
Illustrative Design of Scheme
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Vehicular access to the scheme will be taken primarily via a new roundabout on Houghton Road, where it currently splits to become Sawtry Way and Houghton Hill Road. Access to Houghton Hill Farm will be provided via the roundabout. A secondary access will be provided via a T-junction on Houghton Road between the new roundabout and Garner Drive.
The green corridors that underpin the landscape-led design will provide pedestrian and cycle routes across the scheme. The proposals will tie in with existing routes, such as a path connecting the scheme to Freston Close and the St Ivo Outdoor Complex. The scheme could also provide contributions to upgrading the footpaths on Houghton Road to encourage walking and cycling into St Ives, which has a signposted cycle route from the site into the town centre.
The site is exceptionally well located on the Cambridgeshire Guided Busway, which provides a regular service to St Ives town centre. This will encourage the use of public transport for residents living in the new scheme. The proposals will look to align with any emerging proposals to improve the Busway from the Combined Authority.
It is anticipated that the majority of car parking will be provided on each plot alongside the dwelling, with a small number of spaces provided as allocated on-street parking. Each plot will be equipped with EV charging facilities as well as secure and covered cycle parking storage.
Proposed improvements to pedestrian, cycle and vehicle connections.
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The site is in Flood Zone 1, meaning that it is an area with the lowest probability of flooding. The Environment Agency’s mapping indicates that the majority of the site has a ‘very low’ risk of surface water flooding, and those areas which present a higher risk are the streams and ditches on the boundary of the site.
The proposals include a drainage strategy which works with the natural landscape to minimise the risk of flooding, by protecting and utilising existing watercourses. The principles of sustainable urban drainage system (SUDS) will be embedded in the scheme, and well-designed, multi-functional drainage will be included with current and future climate change impacts in mind.
For foul drainage, a pumping station will be provided (location to be agreed), which will link into the existing sewer network on Houghton Road. There will be conditions which require this infrastructure to be in place before any homes are occupied.
Bellway Strategic Land is committed to ensuring it enhances the environment where it builds homes. By maximising open green space, nurturing wildlife and retaining existing trees and hedgerows, the proposals will deliver a net gain for biodiversity.
The homes have been designed in line with the latest energy efficiency standards and uses methods which minimise waste materials during the construction period. The design also promotes a healthy and sustainable movement strategy, which encourages walking and cycling within the development and beyond. Additionally, each home will be fitted with an electric vehicle charging point, making it easier for residents to switch to EVs and reduce their emissions.